September 5, 2009

Biosecurity for Birds

(from USDA)

USDA is concerned about the Avian Flu. They actually released several publications, which you can order online.

Somehow, the publications fail to mention that humans are the direct source of this problem.

Everything I Want to Do is .......... actually fashionable and trendy nowadays.

I like Joel Salatin. I am nothing like him and not as opinionated, but I like him. He reminds me of my own Farmer Boy. It also reminds me that several martial arts weapons came from farmers using their farming equipment to protect themselves.

Recently Tree Hugger published an interview with him. My favorite part is when he tells people to turn off the TV and get to know a local farmer.

Backyard Chickens (Bantams this time)

Living the Country Life had a short and sweet article about growing bantam chickens. Their main idea - if you don't have enough space, grow bantams. I must agree that bantams are cute. However, a bantam takes no less space or time to grow. However, it's up to you to decide.

If You Buy and Eat Chicken Meat (very traumatic)

It's not every day that Tree Hugger and PETA agree on the same thing. Well, it's not every day that anyone agrees on anything with PETA nowadays. However, the chicken industry has bahavied unacceptably for many many years.

Please remember to support your local organic chicken growers or grow your own chickens!

Warning: this is very traumatic - baby chicks are ground alive