June 4, 2009

Thousands of chickens die in a fire at a Stanwood farm

From Komo News:

"...The three buildings - each about 60 feet wide and 600 feet long - burned to the ground with chickens inside.

Firefighters estimate the damage at $2.2 million...."

I can't even imagine the devastation.  When you are a farmer, it's not just your livelihood, it's your life.  I am sorry to see another farm disappear.  Recent floods and other emergencies have been claiming farms all over the state.   I strongly believe in local farms, their simple and direct connection to every aspect of our lives.  

Recently, when Farmer Boy wanted me to stop our organic share from Terry's Berries, I said no.  Buying organic fresh produce from a local farm is not just a whim or trend for me.  I am putting my money where my mouth is.  Buying local and local organic products (produce, eggs, meat, etc) is my political stand.  I do not know whether this farm was organic, but it is local.  The less we have local farms, the less we are connected to the reality.