I recently had a long conversation with my professional (non-farming) friends on buying healthy eggs and chicken meat. I haven't bought eggs from a store for about 4-5 years. I feel that our eggs taste, feel, and bake differently. Our chickens run around, eat grass, bugs, organic feed. They are also not regular layer hens, they are really jungle fowl. I have less worries about whether our eggs full of pesticide, which they probably have some, just like anything else.
However, our friends, who live and shop in the city, don't have an opportunity to have their own chickens. They buy things. So when they asked us how to go about buying good eggs, we told them to find a local chicken farm, ask questions, visit those chickens, and judge for themselves. Another thing - read and educate yourself. I was surprised to learn that they think "free-range" is a meaningful label. It is not, free-range doesn't mean chickens actually ran around. It just means a coop door was open for a certain period of time. That's it!
If you are serious about finding good eggs, you are forced to be an educated consumer. Nobody will do it for you. All those labels mean nothing, really. Here is a well-balanced article about buying eggs from Wisebread -
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